Visual search is disrupting fashion eCommerce, creating new opportunities for retailers whose search is lacking. Powered by fashion AI, visual search has been embraced by major retailers like Shein--but what makes it so revolutionary?
by YesPlz.AI
The shift towards digital transformation is an unavoidable trend of the fashion industry, and ChatGPT for eCommerce is positioned to lead this transformation. However, some may wonder what actual painpoints ChatGPT can solve from both a product and fashion perspective. Our experts explore.
by YesPlz.AI
We sat down with Clark Boyd, visual search expert, to get his thoughts on a rapidly changing field. Whether you're an expert or just learning about visual search for fashion, you'll walk away from this article with new insights.
by Digital Strategy Consultant & Visual Search Expert
We sat down with Clark Boyd, visual search expert, to get his thoughts on a rapidly changing field. Whether you're an expert or just learning about visual search for fashion, you'll walk away from this article with new insights.
by Digital Strategy Consultant & Visual Search Expert
What was lurking beneath the surface pre-pandemic has come to fruition. From digitization to sustainability, these patterns were emerging before COVID-19. But, the pandemic created a catalyst to shift the fashion industry and customers into the future.
by Agnes KubiakChief Creative Director at Consult-Trends Agency
With the release of our new fashion product recommendation engine on Shopify, we’ve been reflecting on the story of YesPlz AI, and how we got here (hint: through a lot of prototypes, frustration, and hard work).
by Jess ErdmanContent Marketing Lead
By 2025, Artificial Intelligence will be driving the biggest technological advancements across e-commerce and many other industries. Companies that successfully use the power of AI will have a competitive advantage over other businesses in their industry.
by Eva RossDirector of Strategy, Americas at Farfetch
Gen Z was born from 2000 to 2008 and grew up in economic turmoil. Naturally, they're frugal and very sensitive about price. Also, they are digital natives, born with a digital device in their hands...
by Jinah OhDirector of fashion merchandising at the Academy of Art University
Personalization is a huge revenue driver and when done correctly can drive purchases and repeat engagement. Users have so much choice these days that it’s important to make an impression on them so that you stay top of mind, personalization is a good way to do that.
by Nidhi DesaiFormer Sr Product Manager at Hudson Bay Company Digital